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"Bog" (1978/83) (Don Keeslar)
Best quality version I've seen availible; taken from a good quality out-of-print VHS release. Much better quality than the Region 1 DVD release by 905/Trinity Entertainment.
This is a personal favorite of the rubber-suited swamp/lake/bog creature sub-genre (which is also a personal favorite). "Bog" is some kind of strange, wonderful, grab-bag, crackerjack masterpiece of the genre. Happenstance-ly bizarre; in the kind of seemingly organic/unintentional haphazard way that all the uncontrollable variables of realty, interaction and the individual collide and create at random. It seems not to have been controlled or created but rather snuck into existence from the unknown.. Moments and elements and sidetracks seem to have been flung up out of a black hole bag of cosmic lottery balls as if we are witnessing stages in the history of something immediate. The acting is mixture of wait-your-turn soggy cardboard line readings, real/faked in-the-moment emotion, and documented naturalism; like they left on the tail ends of film reels after the actors had finished their scripted lines and were now “off-duty”. And Marshall Thompson seems to be extending, or re-evolving, the 50’s style of B-movie acting into brand new decades.
1978(filmed)/1983(released) / 90mins. /English Language / Color / USA
Picture Quality: A (Source: Best Quality VHS Release)
Best quality version I've seen availible; taken from a good quality out-of-print VHS release. Much better quality than the Region 1 DVD release by 905/Trinity Entertainment.
This is a personal favorite of the rubber-suited swamp/lake/bog creature sub-genre (which is also a personal favorite). "Bog" is some kind of strange, wonderful, grab-bag, crackerjack masterpiece of the genre. Happenstance-ly bizarre; in the kind of seemingly organic/unintentional haphazard way that all the uncontrollable variables of realty, interaction and the individual collide and create at random. It seems not to have been controlled or created but rather snuck into existence from the unknown.. Moments and elements and sidetracks seem to have been flung up out of a black hole bag of cosmic lottery balls as if we are witnessing stages in the history of something immediate. The acting is mixture of wait-your-turn soggy cardboard line readings, real/faked in-the-moment emotion, and documented naturalism; like they left on the tail ends of film reels after the actors had finished their scripted lines and were now “off-duty”. And Marshall Thompson seems to be extending, or re-evolving, the 50’s style of B-movie acting into brand new decades.
1978(filmed)/1983(released) / 90mins. /English Language / Color / USA
Picture Quality: A (Source: Best Quality VHS Release)